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Financial Assistance
Stanly County residents who are experiencing emergency financial situations such as eviction or utility disconnection are welcome to visit our office and apply for assistance. We're able to help clients with financial assistance once every twenty-four months. The list of items that you need to
bring with our listed below.
Get Assistance with...
Bulk Fuel
Medical Perscriptions
In unique situations we may be able to help with items not listed above. If you have a financial need that is not listed, please call our office to schedule an appointment.
BEFORE your appointment:
Photo ID or Proof of Stanly County Residence
Bill your needing assistance with and the previous bill to that, or your lease and landlord statement completed.
Last 4 digits of Social Security Numbers for each member of your household
Proof of Income
ALL required documents must be uploaded with your completed application before you receive an appointment for Financial Assistance.
Please note that our guidelines have changed.
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